Emergency procedures

No one is immune to an emergency situation. Since safety is everyone’s concern, it is important that people inside the Cégep know what to do in case of an emergency. Take a few minutes to read them. If you have a mobile device with Internet access, we suggest you save this page in your favourites.

Omnivox Mass Notification System

All members of the college community are invited to subscribe to the Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles mass notification system from their Omnivox account so that they can be notified in the event of an emergency. This free service allows you to receive real-time alerts in case of a critical situation.

How to proceed

To receive alerts on your cell phone, make sure you have downloaded the latest mobile version of Omnivox. You will also need to ensure that notifications are enabled on your device.


  1. Ensure your safety;
  2. Stay calm and listen to instructions;
  3. Immediately notify the person in charge on your campus by calling the number listed below so that they can announce the emergency procedure using the warning system: 

    École des pêches et de l’aquaculture du Québec

    418 385-2241, ext. 3333

    Gaspé Campus

    418 368-2201, ext. 8888

    Îles-de-la-Madeleine Campus

    418 986-5187, ext. 2222

    Carleton-sur-Mer Campus

    418 364-3341, ext. 4444

    Montreal Campus

    1 888 368-2201, ext. 7777

  4. If necessary, call 911.

Form to fill out after an event

If you experience an accident, an incident or if first aid is provided to you, you must complete the online declaration form or contact the administrative support agent of your campus to report your accident/incident.


Access the form