Taking notes, managing your time well, and balancing college with your work and personal life are important elements that can help you succeed. On this page, you will find many tips and tools related to these aspects.
Note taking
BEFORE the class
- Do the suggested readings. Familiarizing yourself with the theme and terms will make it easier to take notes.
DURING the class
- Write down the main ideas, important charts, and meaningful examples.
- Highlight keywords and concepts that need to be reviewed.
Underline – Highlight – Frame –
Write in color
– Put a symbol(*)
- Take notes in an airy way to facilitate proofreading.
- Use symbols and abbreviations to increase the speed of note taking.
% : Percent or probability
< : Smaller
< : Bigger
Dep : Depending on
F : Female
$ : Silver, Dollar, Currency
~~ : Approximately
e : Even
= : Equals
! : Good idea
? : Lack of info
C/to : Compared to
F : Female
H : Male
alw : Always
w : With
C : Consumption
° : Degree
# : Number
- Crossing out instead of erasing is faster!
Ask yourself essential questions:
- Who: Who is the author?
- What: What's the main idea? What are the secondary ideas?
- When: What is the sequence? What are the important moments?
- Where: Where is the information located? Where can I find additional information?
- How: How does the information relate to it?
- Why: How important is information?
AFTER the class
- Add information and annotations immediately after the lesson.
- Create a network of concepts from the notes taken. It allows you to make connections and summarize learning in a diagram.

Need support?
Contact your API:
or the Special Needs educator on your campus:
- All campuses
Sophie Baril
Adapted Services Advisor
- Room 308 (in Gaspé)
- via MIO or
- 418-368-2201, ext. 1374
- sbaril@cegepgim.ca
- Gaspé Campus
Julie Labbé
Special Needs Educator
- Room 308
- via MIO or
- 418-368-2201, ext. 1441
- jlabbe@cegepgim.ca
- Gaspé Campus
Julie Renaud
Special Needs Educator
- Local 309-D
- via MIO or
- 418 368-2201, ext. 1368
- jrenaud@cegepgim.ca