Learning Strategies

Taking notes, managing your time well, and balancing college with your work and personal life are important elements that can help you succeed. On this page, you will find many tips and tools related to these aspects.

Note taking

Write in color
Put a symbol(*)

% : Percent or probability
< : Smaller
< : Bigger
Dep : Depending on
F : Female
$ : Silver, Dollar, Currency
~~ : Approximately
e : Even
= : Equals
! : Good idea
? : Lack of info
C/to : Compared to
F : Female
H : Male
alw : Always
w : With
C : Consumption
° : Degree
# : Number

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Contact your API:

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or the Special Needs educator on your campus:

Sophie Baril

Adapted Services Advisor

Julie Labbé

Special Needs Educator

Julie Renaud

Special Needs Educator