Measures to Support Success

Measures to Support Success

Throughout your studies at the Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles, a wide range of services and resources are available to help you succeed in college.   

  • Adapted Services

    If you have a functional limitation, there are assistance measures adapted to your needs to help you integrate and succeed in your learning.

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    Individual Educational Assistant

    Do you have questions about your academic progress? Consult the Individual Educational Assistant (I.E.A.) dedicated to your program. 

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    Psychosocial Support

    A psychosocial counselor is present on each campus to support and guide you when you are experiencing personal difficulties. 

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    Guidance Service

    The Guidance service answers your questions about your academic or professional future. This service is there to inform you about college, university and job market programs.

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    Help Centers and Tutoring 

    Help centers are available if you are experiencing difficulties in French, math, methodology or philosophy. In addition, whether it’s teaching personnel or peer tutoring, there are people available to provide support outside of your classes.

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