Sexual violence


The Cégep aims to offer you a healthy and safe living environment as well as information, support and accompaniment services. In particular, it has adopted a policy to prevent and combat sexual violence, which you can consult on the Official Documents and Calendars page of the

Disclosing or reporting abuse

One-stop shop

The one-stop shop is a reception, listening and support service for students who wish to disclose a situation of sexual violence. You can also report sexual violence online using the following form:

Contact information for the single windows by campus:

Julie Renaud

Special Needs Educator

Other Resources

If the person in charge of the one-stop shop on your campus is absent, the disclosure will be processed when they return.

For any situation that requires immediate support or intervention, you can also contact:

  • CALACS La Bôme Gaspésie: 1 866 968-6686
  • CALACS L’espoir des Îles: 418 986-6111
  • Sexual Violence Helpline: 1-888-933-9007
  • ALIX (violence experienced by LGBTQ+ communities): 1-888-505-1010
  • I file a complaint (protection of integrity in the exercise of sport)

At any time (24 hours a day, 7 days a week), contact Info-Social (8-1-1, ext. 2) for psychosocial assistance or Info-Santé (8-1-1, ext. 1).

For any emergency, call 9-1-1 and inform a staff member.

Tools and explanatory sheets

Mandatory training

At the Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles, the establishment of a culture of respect and non-violence is essential. This is why we invite you to watch the training on consent and sexual violence as soon as possible. As provided for by provincial law, each student must take such training at least once during his or her college career. You will find the contact information for the various support services (sexual assault [CAVACS]help centres, Tel-Jeunes).

Awareness videos