Adapted services


Do you have special needs? The Cégep offers adapted support and accommodation measures. These measures are intended to promote your integration into college and the progression of your learning. In addition to being as functional as possible, you will be able to develop your sense of responsibility and autonomy.

Who are they for?

Adapted services are intended for anyone who:

  • lives with a disability (functional limitation on the physical, sensory, neurological, developmental, organic, psychological levels) permanently or temporarily;
  • has special needs that represent a temporary or permanent challenge to the success of their study project (e.g., allophone, Aboriginal, immersion, etc.);
  • had an intervention plan while in high school (without a formal diagnosis);
  • has persistent learning difficulties or is related to the student trade;

Request adapted services

We suggest that you take the steps as soon as possible after your admission to prepare for your transition to college. Scheduling an appointment in the spring allows you to avoid delays at the start of the school year.

To make an appointment:

Supporting documents

Supporting documentation may include a medical certificate, a previous school intervention plan, a professional service plan, etc. If you don’t have one, you can indicate this in the appointment form.

If you do not have a medical certificate, but you have received a diagnosis from a Quebec professional recognized by Bill 21 (doctor, psychologist, speech therapist, neuropsychologist, optometrist, audiologist, etc.), this person must fill out the Diagnostic or Diagnostic Evaluation – Attestation of Functional Limitations form.

Service dog or emotional support animal

It is also possible to request an accommodation related to a service dog or an emotional support animal. You must send your application and all supporting documentsbefore August 1 (for the fall session) or before November 15 (for the winter session) to the person responsible for your campus (see contact information below).

Your request will be analyzed within a maximum of five working days. Adapted Services will contact you to arrange a meeting.

Measures offered

After submitting your application, a complete assessment of your needs will be carried out to determine the measures that will be offered to you. Thus, you could receive support to develop study or time management strategies. Accommodations in class and in the context of exams are also possible. It is important to remember that this is an individualized process.

If you are not eligible for adapted services, but you are facing significant academic challenges, the team can guide you to other resources. You can meet with a special educator to develop essential strategies at the college level. A remedial educational assessment or a screening assessment may also be performed.

Contact the team

Catherine Savage

Adapted Services Advisor

Julie Labbé

Special Needs Educator

Julie Renaud

Special Needs Educator

Frequently Asked Questions

For your exams: You must use the computers of the Adapted Services, which are equipped with the software to which you are entitled.

For your work: If the use of a computer is included in your accommodations and you are not able to obtain one, different options are possible and your educator will be able to guide you. You can also use the computers in the library and computer labs of the Cégep, which contain the help software.

If the Antidote software is included in your intervention plan and you are unable to obtain a license, the Cégep will be able to lend you a license for the Web version of the software. Your educator will take the step.

If you need text-to-speech software at home or on your personal laptop, Lexibar can be downloaded free of charge from the company’s website.

Not necessarily. We will meet with you to assess your needs and determine the necessary measures related to your difficulties and your academic progress.

No. Your teachers will know that you are receiving adapted services and will know the academic accommodations to which you are entitled. Adapted Services can talk to teachers about your difficulties, if any, but not about your diagnosis.

You must apply as soon as you are admitted to CEGEP or as soon as you receive a diagnosis. A CEGEP semester lasts only 15 weeks, and the first exams can take place as early as the third week of classes. The best strategy to avoid waiting is to register quickly.

Academic accommodations are valid after the file has been opened and the intervention plan has been signed. If exams have been held before, the accommodations cannot be applied retroactively, and no re-exams will be authorized for this reason.

No. The use of an intervention plan and academic accommodations is confidential. No notes will be entered in your file. If you apply to university or another CEGEP, no one will know that you have received adapted services.

There is no deadline to complete your procedures. However, Adapted Services gives itself a maximum of 10 business days to open a file. It is therefore important to consider this delay in order to avoid starting your process too late at the end of the session.

No. A professional will carry out a personalized assessment of your needs. The means of overcoming the limitations will therefore be determined by considering the real need, the availability of resources and the skills to be achieved in the curriculum. For the same diagnosis, the academic accommodations determined in the intervention plan may be different from one person to another.

Normally, teachers are required to refer students who require academic accommodations to Adaptive Services. This ensures that the process is fair and that each person receives the academic accommodations they need to achieve the competencies in their program of study. It also allows access to academic accommodations in other contexts, such as the Uniform Language Test, internships, and pedagogical activities and out-of-class evaluations.