Student jobs

Working at Cégep

There are several options available to you if you want to work directly at the Cégep.


Helping someone in a particular discipline, welcoming a new student, etc.

More details about tutoring

Digital IT team

Provide computer support to other students.

More information on the digital brigade

Student jobs available on your campus

Working at the library, sports center, etc. To view job postings:

Careers section of the Cégep website

Omnivox Campus Communities


Some people need the support of note-takers. If you want to give your name to share your course notes with other students, contact your campus special needs educator.

Working outside the CEGEP

In addition to job offers for future graduates, the Omnivox Job Offers community also includes part-time job offers for students. Check it regularly if you are looking for a job.

Balancing studies and work

A good work-study balance is an essential condition for the success of your post-secondary studies. It is recommended that full-time students limit their work hours to 15 hours per week. The website offers a very relevant self-diagnostic tool to assess your situation and obtain practical advice.


Several organizations offer tools for preparing professional files or interviews. Here are some of them:


Are you an employer and would you like to communicate your job offers to Cégep students?

Contact Germain Thibault at