Complementary to teaching, tutoring will allow you to create connections with other students and will promote your integration. This service is for you if you need personalized help to be more successful in one of the courses on your schedule or if you want to help other people.
Receiving support from a tutor
Would you like to receive help in one or more of your courses? You could benefit from several things:
- Improve your academic performance
- Receiving different explanations
- Working with a stronger student
- Acquire various skills
- Improve your academic performance
- Increase your confidence in your possibilities
Being a tutor
Do you want to help someone do better in their courses? This could help you:
- Develop your social skills
- Increase your self-esteem
Develop your sense of responsibility
- Participate in teamwork
- Receive a tutoring certificate
- Receiving remuneration
Meeting follow-up sheets
After each meeting, the tutor must complete a follow-up sheet. This sheet must be sent to the person responsible for the success (repcar) of your campus on the day the service was provided.
Contact the Student Success representative
For more information on tutoring, contact your campus Student Success representative.