Computer and audiovisual equipment

Recommended hardware and minimum configuration

Depending on your Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles study program, it is recommended or required to have the following minimum configuration and computer equipment to properly follow your training.

Laptop loan

A short-term laptop loan system is available at the store (Gaspé).

The Cégep is a partner of the CLIC-OPEQ program, which allows low-income students to benefit from a refurbished desktop computer or laptop at a very affordable price. The request for eligibility for the program must be made to the person responsible for financial assistance at the Cégep.

Antidote Web license loan

If you are experiencing financial difficulties that prevent you from purchasing the Antidote software, you may be able to obtain the loan of an Antidote Web license for the semester or school year.

More information

Audiovisual equipment loan

The Cégep provides you with audiovisual material that can be used for school work or extracurricular activities. The equipment is loaned upon presentation of your student number. Here are some examples of available equipment (the list may vary from campus to campus):

  • Digital camera;
  • Tripod;
  • Digital recorder;
  • Headphones;
  • Mouse;
  • Computer speakers;
  • Webcam;
  • Mobile screen;
  • Television;
  • Multimedia projector;
  • Adapter.

Contact Audiovisual Loan Services

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