As a student at a higher education institution, you have rights and responsibilities. Plenty of tools are available to you to assert your rights, and many resources can help you fully assume your responsibilities.
Asserting your rights
What are your rights as a student? You have many. They are all listed in the Cégep’s policies and regulations. You can assert them in several ways: by informing yourself, by contacting your student association, by getting involved, by participating in consultations, and by using the appeals procedures.
By informing yourself
Several communication tools provide you with information about your rights:
- this site, the Student Zone;
- the school agenda, which summarizes your rights and directs you to policies and regulations;
- the Official Documents and Calendars section of;
- the official communications from the Cégep (including memos from the Direction of Studies, sent by MIO and accessible in the Omnivox community “Official Cégep information and Board of Directors”);
- the Omnivox community “ Official Cégep information and Board of Directors ”, which brings together regulations and procedures not published on the Cégep website (including the academic complaint procedure).
The Direction of Studies and the General Secretariat can also answer your questions about policies, regulations, and procedures. The Direction of Studies is responsible for:
- supervising policies that affect students;
- implementing the success plan;
- ensuring the quality of training.
By contacting your student association
What is the student association?
The student association’s mandate, among other things, is to assert your rights. According to the Ministry of Higher Education, the main purpose of a student association is to “represent students’ associations, respectively, and to promote their interests, particularly respecting teaching, educational methods, student services and the administration of the educational institution.”. (Ref. : Act respecting the accreditation and financing of student’s associations)
Who is a member of the student association?
All full-time and part-time students are members of their campus student association. This includes regular training, professional training, and credited continuing education, both in person and remotely.
What is the role of a student association?
The student association is made up of elected members and plays the following roles:
- Act as the official representative and spokesperson for all students on campus.
- Appoint representatives to the official Cégep committees.
- Work to defend the rights and interests of all students.
- Support projects and activities to enhance student life.
- Provide individual support, if necessary, to members in different situations such as sanctions, educational complaints, and complaints under policies and regulations.
- Regularly consult its members to understand their interests, needs and priorities, and promote them.
- Organize social and cultural activities according to the rules established at the Cégep and, more specifically, on its campus.
- Raise awareness among members about national issues affecting post-secondary students.
- Manage student fees collected by the Cégep.
- Assume its regulatory responsibilities according to its status.
You have the right to speak and vote at general meetings of the student association, whether you are studying remotely or in person. These assemblies deal with subjects that affect the daily life of the student community: it is therefore important to attend them.
Do not hesitate to consult the members of your student’s association executive committee to share your suggestions and comments, since these people will represent you throughout the year.
The Cégep provides each student association with an Omnivox community and an MIO address to allow communications with its members. Each association decides whether or not to use these tools, but is responsible for communicating with its members.
Incorporated, accredited, what is it?
An incorporated association is an organization registered with the Registre des entreprises du Québec. It is therefore an autonomous entity of the Cégep. It makes its decisions, is accountable to its members and fully assumes the resulting responsibilities. The student associations of Gaspé, Carleton-sur-Mer, and L’ÉPAQ are incorporated.
Accredited student associations are subject to the Act respecting the accreditation and financing of student associations. Only the associations on the Gaspé and Carleton-sur-Mer campuses are accredited. The Cégep’s obligations towards a campus student association vary depending on the type of association. For information on this subject, contact the person responsible for student life on your campus or the Directorate of Studies.
Student Association contribution
All students pay a contribution to their association from their registration fees, as provided for in Article 5 of Regulation No. 11 “Rights of all kinds, contributions and fixed fees”. The student contribution is determined by the student association, not by the Cégep. The Cégep collects contributions from registration fees and pays them to the student association concerned.
There is a federation of college student associations in Quebec. This is the FECQ. The Gaspé and Carleton-sur-Mer associations are members. In their case, contributions are collected and paid to the FECQ. To find out more about the FECQ, visit their website:
Contact your campus student association
If you are remote learning and you are wondering which association you are a member of, contact one of the people responsible for student life .
- Gaspé Campus
Student association
- Local R-07
- via MIO or
- 418-368-2201, ext. 1448
By getting involved
You can assert your rights and those of the entire student community by getting involved at Cégep. There are different ways to get involved. In addition, if you meet certain criteria, your involvement can be officially recognized in the report card.
In your student association
The first way to get involved is to attend the general meetings of your student association. During these assemblies, votes take place on certain decisions, and people representing you are elected.
To go further, you can get involved in the direction board of your campus student association. This rewarding experience will allow you to:
- know the issues on your campus;
- develop your leadership skills;
- participate in concrete projects;
- influence the decisions of the Cégep;
- and more!
In the decisions of the Cégep
Are you interested in the management and governance of organizations? Do you want to know how your Cégep works and take part in decisions? Do you want to feel useful by representing Cégep students within the highest authorities? The board of directors, the studies commission, and the committee against sexual violence reserve places for students who wish to get involved.
Board of Directors
The board of directors is the highest governance structure at Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles. It is composed of students, graduates, parents, staff, and community representatives. For more information, you can:
- communicate with your student association;
- contact Sarah Savage (by MIO or at;
- consult the Board of Directors section at
Studies Commission
The Studies Commission guarantees the quality of the education given at the Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles. It is led by the Director of Studies and is composed of students and people representing all types of jobs at the Cégep. For more information, you can:
- communicate with your student association;
- contact Serge Rochon, Director of Studies (by MIO or at );
- consult Regulation No. 10 “Regulations of the Studies Commission”.
Committee against sexual violence
The Cégep’s Institutional Policy to Prevent and Combat sexual violence provides for the establishment of a permanent committee made up of staff members and the student community. This committee is considering, among other things, interesting and original ways to raise awareness within the student community about issues surrounding sexual violence.
If you have any questions about this committee, contact Françoise Perreault, Assistant Director of Studies, via MIO.
By participating in consultations
The Cégep consults the student community for any adoption or revision of policies or regulations that affect students. In addition, the Cégep regularly surveys students for a better understanding of their needs regarding different topics. It is your responsibility to participate in these to express your concerns.
By using appeals procedures
If you feel that your rights are not being respected, it is up to you to assert them. Consult the policies which contain all the information on your rights, but also the procedures to follow for taking recourse.
Assume your responsibilities
Are you currently a student at Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles? In a way, it’s your “job”! This implies that you have rights, but also responsibilities. In this section, the Cégep offers you different tools to help you understand them. Because your first responsibility is to inform yourself well.
Read lesson plans
In a way, the lesson plan is the contract between you and your teacher. You are responsible for reading it, acquiring your school materials quickly, and meeting deadlines.
Acquire the necessary skills
At Cégep, it is necessary to develop certain key skills, which are not always acquired beforehand. These “transversal” skills are essential to the success of your higher studies. It’s about :
- digital and methodological skills;
- writing and reading skills;
- critical thinking;
- organizational autonomy.
Available tools and services
To develop these “transversal” skills, the Cégep provides you with several services; it’s up to you to use them. The teachers in your first session courses also pay particular attention to it in class. Many details can be found in the Resources and tools section, including about:
- the agenda (the pages at the beginning provide tools);
- support for success periods (scheduled periods for certain programs);
- help centers;
- learning support services.
If you need support integrating into college, consult the Integrating into Cégep section.
Liability insurance
Liability insurance
As part of your school (including internships), extracurricular and extracurricular activities, you have liability insurance provided by the Cégep.
Overview of policies, regulations and procedures
Knowing which policy, regulation or procedure to refer to is the best way to assert your rights. The full texts of these documents, of which you have an overview here, can be found on the Official documents and calendars page at and on the Omnivox community “ Official Cégep and Board of Directors information ”. Reading this summary does not relieve you of the obligation to read the full document.
Strategic planning
A CEGEP’s strategic planning is an essential document that defines the major directions and priorities for the coming years. It is a roadmap that aims first to meet the aspirations of our student community, by offering them an enriching student experience and that places success at the heart of its actions. It is an exercise that allows us to make choices to enable the CEGEP to evolve in line with current challenges. For example, we have chosen to make sustainable development a major project for our college community. We want to maintain a relevant training offer to meet the needs of the region without forgetting our openness to the world, at the heart of our values. This is how strategic planning ensures that our CEGEP is consistent in its actions by mobilizing all our resources to achieve our objectives.
Strategic orientations 2023-2028

Institutional Learning Evaluation Policy (PIEA)
What is it?
The PIEA is one of the most important policies for your college journey. Why? Because through this policy, “the Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles guarantees […] the quality of the evaluation of learning and, consequently, the quality of the diplomas to which it gives access”. It brings together everything concerning the rules of your evaluation by the teaching staff and the responsibilities regarding its application.
Your rights
- Receive your lesson plans at the beginning of each study session.
- Have a balanced workload by respecting the weighting of the course and adequate planning of work and tests.
- Have previously received information concerning the types of formative assessment and summative assessment methods used by the teaching staff.
- Be assessed in accordance with the course learning objectives and program competencies.
- Receive regular information on the progress of your learning.
- Benefit from the assistance of teaching staff and support from the Director of Studies to help you overcome your learning difficulties.
- Obtain a fair and equitable evaluation of your learning.
- Be assured of the confidentiality of your learning evaluation results.
- Have access to recourse to contest the result of your assessment (grade review).
- Receive adapted services if you have a diagnosed functional limitation.
- Know all the information about the PIEA.
Your responsibilities
- Take charge of your learning.
- Read your lesson plans and follow their requirements and terms.
- Complete, if necessary, the course cancellation procedures before the deadline of each session.
- Actively participate in your class activities.
- Notify your teachers of any absence from a summative evaluation within the prescribed time frame.
- If you encounter difficulty, ask the people responsible for the help you need for your learning.
- Ensure that your rights are respected regarding the evaluation.
- Keep copies of work or summative evaluations during the session.
- Register for adapted services if you have special needs.
Policy for Promoting the French Language (PVLF)
What is it?
The PVLF is about the use of quality French at Cégep.
Your rights
- Benefit from measures to promote and improve language skills that are regularly updated based on new advances in the field.
- Take additional courses if you do not have the necessary basics, before the start of the language and literature course sequence.
- Obtain accommodations according to your needs (disability situation, allophones, etc.).
Your responsibilities
- Ensure the quality of your spoken and written language.
- Use quality French and an appropriate language level in your various communications (documents, verbal exchanges, phone calls, emails, etc.), during school, and extracurricular activities.
- Apply the strategies of writing, revision, and correction taught in language and literature, philosophy, and specific training classes.
- Present carefully revised work that meets the language requirements of each department in which you take your classes.
- Use resources and employ appropriate means to improve and compensate for the shortcomings that have been reported to you.
Prevention and intervention policy regarding harassment and violence in the workplace
What is it?
This policy aims to provide you with a learning environment free from harassment. Although its title says “in the workplace”, it also applies to you as a student.
Your rights
- Study in a climate free from harassment.
- Receive psychosocial support.
- Being able to count on a fair and equitable complaints process.
Your responsibilities
- Make a personal commitment to behave respectfully towards everyone.
- Express your disagreement with any unacceptable behavior directed at you or that you witness and report it to your campus (or continuing education) management as soon as possible.
Institutional policy to prevent and combat sexual violence
What is it?
This policy aims to provide an environment free of sexual violence and to develop a culture of consent by promoting gender equality as well as promoting respect, inclusion, and diversity.
Your rights
- Study in an environment free from sexual violence.
- Benefit from help and reference services.
- Be assured of confidentiality when reporting.
Your responsibilities
- Become familiar with this policy and your responsibilities.
- Comply with this policy.
- Report to the Guichet Unique any situation of sexual violence that you witness as soon as possible.
- Participate in mandatory training provided by law and offered by the Cégep;
- Participate in training and prevention activities.
- Direct anyone wishing to report or obtain information to the Guichet Unique.
- Cooperate during investigations regarding situations of sexual violence.
- Respond in an empathetic, supportive, and non-judgmental manner when a situation of sexual violence is reported.
- Respect the confidentiality of information transmitted as part of a report.
- Be active and remain conscious and aware of the importance of taking action when you witness a situation at risk of sexual violence.
Privacy Policy
What is it?
The Cégep has a legal obligation to respect the protection of the personal information collected as part of its operations. Your personal information must only be transmitted to Cégep employees who need it to carry out their work. To find out everything about this policy, visit the Cégep website.
Your rights
- Be assured that your personal information will be protected.
- Have access to recourse procedures if an incident occurs.
- Consent to the sharing of certain of your personal information and the ability to withdraw this consent.
- Have access to your personal information.
Your responsibilities
- Do not share any personal information to which you have access.
- Report a personal information incident if you witness it.
- Complete the consent requests submitted to you (accept or refuse them).
Workplace Health and Safety Policy
Your rights
- Learn in a safe environment.
- Complete your internship in a safe environment.
As part of your internship, you are covered by the rules of the Commission nationale de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité au travail (CNESST).
Your responsibilities
- Comply with regulations and procedures issued regarding health and safety at work.
- Adopt safe behaviors and take the necessary measures to protect your health, your safety, your integrity, and that of others.
- Use personal protective equipment according to Cégep’s requirements.
- Contribute to the identification and elimination of risks.
- Inform Adapted Services staff of your functional limitations that impact your health and safety.
- Use educational equipment and materials only when your faculties and judgment are not affected by alcohol, cannabis, drugs, and similar substances.
Departmental regulations for the learning evaluation (RDEA)
What is it?
The RDEA derives from the PIEA. Each Cégep department has regulations that specify certain rules for evaluation and class attendance. The information is given to you at the beginning of the session and in all lesson plans. As a student, you have the right to expect clear and consistent rules from your department. You also have the responsibility to know its rules and respect them.
Regulation No. 9 - Regulations relating to living conditions at Cégep
What is it?
This regulation on living conditions at the Cégep covers several topics related to “living together”. These include the rules that must be respected in the following areas:
- Administrative: opening hours, access, environment, premises reservation, health and safety, etc.
- Individual: expected and prohibited behaviors, use of Cégep equipment, etc.
- Educational: complaint, activities, copyright, etc.
These regulations also contain information on sanctions in the event of non-compliance with the Cégep’s policies and regulations, as well as possible recourses.
Your rights
- Respect for your rights and freedoms;
- Clear sanction modalities.
Your responsibilities
To respect the rights and freedoms of all, it is essential to know, understand, and respect these regulations at all times.
Regulation No. 11 - Rights of all kinds, contributions and fees charged
What is it?
These regulations concern the amounts billed to you (activities, services, insurance, student association, contribution to the Cégep Foundation, document production, late fees, etc.) as well as the terms of collection and reimbursement.
Your rights
- Know and understand the amounts billed to you.
- Be reimbursed according to the prescribed terms.
Your responsibility
Pay the fees charged to you on time.
Regulation No. 2 - Admission fees, registration fees and other fees relating to college education services
What is it?
These regulations concern the amounts that you are billed to be admitted and registered at the Cégep (admission, registration, tuition fees and “related” fees for certain services) as well as the terms of collection and reimbursement.
Your rights
- Know and understand the amounts you are billed.
- Be reimbursed according to the prescribed terms.
Your responsibility
Pay the fees charged to you on time.
Residence Rules
Residence regulations can be found in the section Terms of Payment on the CEGEP website.
Procedures, guidelines and other internal documents
Complaints and disputes handling procedure
What is it?
This procedure mentions the steps to follow when you wish to file a complaint against a service or submit a dispute. This procedure is currently under review, but you will find the version currently in effect in the Omnivox community Procedures section, Official Cégep, and Board of Directors information.
Your rights
- Be able to count on a procedure if you need to file a complaint about one of the services you received, including the classes.
- Do not expose yourself to harm when you file a complaint or submit a dispute.
- Have support to understand the process and the steps to follow.
- Have the right to the confidentiality of the personal information that you transmit respected.
Your responsibilities
- Know and respect the steps of the process.
- Do not file an unfounded complaint with the intent to harm someone.
- Respect the confidentiality of personal information throughout the process and do not harm others by disseminating personal information.
Procedure for retaking a failed course
What is it?
This procedure mentions the steps to follow when you wish retaking a failed course. You will find the procedure in the Omnivox community Procedures section Informations officielles Cégep et Conseil.
Lesson Plan
What is it?
In a way, this is your contract with the teacher. The course plan includes information on the session schedule activities, assessments, weighting, and the school materials you need to get. Keep it until you obtain your final grade.
Do you have questions about your rights and responsibilities?
Direction of studies
MIO at Official Cégep Information or
Serge Rochon
- Studies director
- via MIO
Danka Cormier
- Assitant Director of Studies (Programs, educational development and quality insurance)
- via MIO
Françoise L.-Perreault
- Assistant Director of Studies (Success and student services) and Registrar's office
- via MIO
Alexandre Jacob
- School Organization Coordinator
- via MIO
Registrar's office
MIO at Cégep, Registrariat or
Françoise L.-Perreault
- Registrar's office
- via MIO
General Secretariat
MIO to Sarah Savage or
Sarah Savage
- Human resources and corporate affairs advisor
- via MIO
Individual educational assistance
The APIs are also able to answer many of your questions and guide you to the right resources.