Back to school guide

In this section, you will find all the information and steps to follow to prepare yourself before the start of the next session.

Communication tools

The Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles uses MIO messaging and Omnivox communities to communicate with you.

Registration activity and start of classes

The registration activity will take place on August 18,  in the morning (information to come)

Classes will begin on August 18, in the afternoon.

If you are taking online classes, you will be able to connect to the welcome meeting from Omnivox . The time and Zoom link for the meeting will be indicated in the What’s new section on Omnivox.

Gaspe campus

Are you starting your college journey? To learn more about this new environment, watch the interactive presentation College studies at Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles. It brings together relevant information on the services offered, support measures for success and college studies in general.

Do your parents have questions? The Information for Parents tab on the CEGEP website gives them access to the Infoparents document, which presents the main differences between high school and college, the roles of each person, the services offered at the CEGEP, and much more.

Consult Information for Parents

It is through the Omnivox portal that you will have access to the school organization’s services and course choices. You will also be able to consult your payment balance and your schedule. We recommend that you access it as soon as possible after your admission to the Cégep.

Go to Omnivox

You will find more details on the registration steps in the Omnivox, MIO and Léa section.
Write down and memorize your password; you will need it throughout your studies.

In case of difficulty with your file number, call 418 368-2201 (or toll-free at 1 888 368-2201 ), extension 1420, or write to .

You must confirm your course proposal using the Course Selection module on Omnivox . Your schedule will be available approximately one week before the start of the school year: mid-August for the fall session and mid-January for the winter session. For any information regarding your course choice or your study program, contact your academic advisor.

The session fee (french only) invoice is sent at the end of May for the fall session and in mid-November for the winter session. You will receive an email and an MIO for this purpose. Payment is made on Omnivox in the Payment Center module.

If you wish to apply for financial assistance, you must go to the Government of Quebec’s Student Financial Assistance website and complete your application online. Other information is also provided in the Scholarships and Financial Assistance section.

First, you must have paid your session fees to retrieve your schedule. Retrieving your schedule is mandatory to confirm your registration. Retreive your schedule starting August 8 at 10 a.m. until August 18 at 4 p.m.  on Omnivox. Late fees will apply after this date.


At the beginning of the school year, school calendars are available on campus and sent by mail to remote learning students. You can consult the PDF version of the first part of the agenda, bringing together the tools and services.

School supplies

The list of materials needed for each of your courses will be provided by your teachers.

To find out where to obtain school materials, click on the photo of your campus at the top of the page.


IT Support

If you have any questions, it is possible to contact a computer technician by filling out a request on Instructions for entering your query are displayed directly in the tool. A technician will contact you as soon as possible once the request has been forwarded.

Emergency: If a computer problem prevents you from taking a course, contact the IT Service at 1 888 368-2201, ext. 1666.

Support for the use of Omnivox and Léa

Sends an MIO to the Methodological and Digital Help Center and monitors the training activities that will be offered.

As in secondary school, it is also possible to have access to adapted services in Cégep. Consult the Adapted Services page to find out the steps to follow to open your file.