Academic progress


The Cégep has a whole team at your disposal to support you in your college career, including the Pathway and Registrar’s team. At the heart of this team are the individual and individual teaching aids (IPA). The IPAs are the people to consult for any question related to your academic career.

Do you want to extend or speed up your journey? Do you have special needs and need support? Are you facing challenges that could hinder your success? Contact your campus API (see contact information at the end of this page).

Plan your path and your course choices

Each session, you must confirm your course proposal through the “Course Selection” module on Omnivox. Your API can guide you in your choices and support you if you have difficulty proceeding.

There are a variety of reasons why you may need to unenroll or drop out of one or more courses. These actions have different consequences on your journey, and these consequences may vary depending on when you decide to do so.

Before the unregistration deadline

This course will be removed from your schedule and there will be no failure on your report card. However, it is possible that this unenrollment will change your status from “full-time” to “part-time”. The part-time status has consequences on the fees you will be charged. If you are a beneficiary of the Government of Québec’s Aide financière aux études program, this change in status may also have an impact on your calculation of assistance.

The course will not appear on your report card.

Before the withdrawal deadline

This course will be removed from your schedule and you will have a withdrawal grade (AE) on your report card. To drop one or more courses, you need to communicate with your API.

After the withdrawal deadline

The grade that will appear on the report card will be the grade accumulated to date. If you fail, you will have to start the course again. If this course is a prerequisite for a course in the following session, failure could delay your progress by preventing you from registering for a course for which the failed course is a prerequisite. Also, the failed course will be put back on your schedule as long as it is offered by the Cégep and fits into your schedule.

To unregister, or abandon a course or before making the decision to no longer attend, contact your API, who will be able to look with you :

  • the consequences of your choice on your status and your path;
  • supports you may not have explored
  • the opportunity to make an action plan to make up for classes in which you missed more than five days;
  • catch-up solutions;
  • the communications to be made to your teachers.

What is the unregistration deadline?

This is a deadline set by the Minister to confirm your attendance at a course.

For regular sessions, these dates are set for mid-September and mid-February. Check the school calendar for the exact date.

For summer sessions, AECs and intensive training, this date is set by the Cégep. It corresponds to the moment when 20 % of the total number of hours of the course has been completed. 

What is the withdrawal deadline?

This is a deadline set by each CEGEP according to ministerial standards to withdraw from a course without having a failure (EC) on your report card.

For regular sessions, these dates are set by the Cégep on the49th day of classes in each session. Consult the School  calendarto find out the exact date.

For summer sessions, AECs and intensive training, this date is set by the Cégep. It corresponds to the moment when 60 % of the total number of hours of the course has been completed.

To understand the differences between the unsubscribe date and the abandonment date, consult the following ministerial document or find out more from your API.

Do you want to get ahead in your journey or make up for a failed or abandoned course? You can register for a summer course via the Summer Courses section of the SRACQ website. You will also find frequently asked questions.

The course offer is posted around mid-March for the following summer.

Would you like to combine your face-to-face courses with synchronous distance learning? Visit the Cégep virtuel website to find out about courses offered by teachers from partner CEGEPs.

Want to know how it works? Consult the Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles’ Virtual Cégep Student Guide .

Did you study at another CEGEP or do you have a training program that you want to have recognized? Contact your API, who can do a substitution or equivalence analysis. You can also contact the Cégep’s Recognition of Prior Learning and Skills Service (through Groupe Collegia).

Horaire de cours

Your class schedule is available on Omnivox in mid-August for the fall semester and in mid-January for the winter semester, about a week before the start of the school year.

Law and remedies

The Pathway team can support you in different ways. For example, it can:

  • inform you of the procedure for applying for a grade review under the AEP;
  • check if you are eligible for the failed course make-up measure;
  • let you know the procedure if you wish to make a complaint of an educational nature;
  • To help you succeed by talking to you about the tools and resources available and adapted to your needs;
  • help you make an action plan in case you are absent from your classes for a period of more than five days.

Contact your API

Samuel Pelletier