Adapted services

Adapted Services support students with functional limitations by offering them assistance measures adapted to their needs in order to promote their integration into the college environment and their success by focusing on autonomy and accountability.

Clientele served

  • Students with a limitation:
    • physical (cerebral palsy, spina bifida, etc.);

    • sensory (hearing impairment, visual impairment, etc.);

    • neurological (autism spectrum disorder, developmental language disorder [dysphasia], attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity, etc.)

    • organic (cancer, diabetes, etc.);

    • learning disability (specific learning disability in reading [dyslexia], writing [dysorthographia] or arithmetic [dyscalculia])

    • mental health disorder (anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorder, mood disorder, etc.)

    • temporary disability (concussion, adjustment disorder, etc.).


  • Allophone students;
  • Aboriginal students;
  • Immersion students under certain conditions (a recommendation from the individual educational assistant is required);
  • Students who had an intervention plan in high school (without a formal diagnosis).
  • Students whose accompaniment requires the presence of a service dog or emotional support animal on College premises, in school residences, etc. Separate request for accommodation (see second section below).
  • Students with parental responsibilities. Distinct accommodation request to be made (contact the Academic Advisor of your program or the educational advisor (CP) for continuing education).

Steps for requesting adapted services (accommodations provided by the Student Access Centre)

  • 1. Contact the Student Access Centre.

    Contact can be made before the start of the term to set up an educational transition plan. Otherwise, contact should be made as soon as possible after the start of the term.

    2. Make an appointment and send the requisite documents.

    To obtain an appointment:

    • Complete the online Adapted Services registration form. The time required to complete the form is between 10 and 15 minutes.
    • Send your supporting documents to Mélanie Cassivi and Marie-Claude Sauvageau by MIO or in person at room 122.

    Note on supporting documents:

    Supporting documents may include a medical certificate, a previous educational intervention plan, a professional service plan, etc. If you do not have any supporting documents, you can submit a request for accommodation by specifying this on the appointment form.

    If you do not have an assessment report or medical certificate, but a Quebec professional recognised pursuant to Bill 21 (doctor, psychologist, speech therapist, neuropsychologist, optometrist, audiologist, etc.) has issued a diagnosis confirming your disability, please have him or her complete the Diagnostic ou évaluation diagnostique – Attesstation des limitations fonctionnelles form.

    3. Meeting with staff at the Student Access Centre

    Once we have received your documents, we will arrange an appointment with you. A 90-minute meeting is scheduled to assess your needs and determine what accommodations can be made, if any.

    The Student Access Centre will take a maximum of ten working days to open a file.

    However, it is possible, particularly in August and September, that the wait is longer.

  • 1. Make an appointment at the Student Access Centre.

    There are several stages in the analysis of requests for accommodation involving a service dog or an emotional support animal, so you should submit your request for accommodation as quickly as possible.

    Ideally, the request for accommodation and all supporting documents should be submitted before August 1 (for the fall term) or November 15 (for the winter term). 

    2. Send the requisite documents.

    To submit a request for accommodation for a service dog or emotional support animal, you must:

    Your forms and supporting documents must be sent to the person responsible for your campus (see below).

    The Student Access Centre reserves a maximum of five working days to analyse requests for accommodation related to a service dog or an emotional support animal.



    3. Meeting with staff at the Student Access Centre.

    The Student Access Centre will contact you to inform you of the conclusion of their analysis and to arrange a meeting time.

Services Offered

When a file is opened with Adapted Services, a complete needs assessment is done. From this, coaching can be done to develop strategies related to the student function (e.g., study strategies, time management strategies). Classroom and testing accommodations may also be provided. It is important to remember that this is an individualized process.

It is also possible for a student who does not meet any of the definitions of the clientele served to meet with a special educator in order to develop essential college strategies.

Remedial or screening assessments may be conducted for students with significant academic challenges.

Adapted Services Staff