Scholarships and Financial Assistance

Parcours Bursaries: Up to $22,500!

At Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles and l’École des pêches et de l’aquaculture du Québec, new students admitted may receive Parcours bursaries in around twenty programs. These scholarships are $3,750 per session, which represent a total of $22,500 for a technical program or $15,000 for a pre-university program or a two-year DEP.

To be eligible, you must live in a municipality located more than 60 km away:

  • from a campus of the Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles offering the chosen program of study


Important note: This condition does not apply to students who come from the metropolitan areas (Montréal, Québec, Sherbrooke, and Ottawa-Gatineau (Québec part). They can be entitled to Parcours scholarships by studying in any CEGEP offering them, regardless of the distance of 60 km.


Admission requirements

  • Be admitted in the 1st or 2nd round;
  • Be registered full-time;
  • Study in person on one of our campuses (distance learning students are not eligible);
  • Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or have refugee or protected person status;
  • Be considered a Québec resident.


No additional steps to your application for admission to Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles are necessary to obtain the Parcours bursary. If you qualify, a member of our team will contact you in the spring to let you know.

The terms and conditions of the Parcours scholarships are subject to change. You can consult the complete information on the Quebec government website (in French) before completing your admission application.

  • Eligible programs

    Students in the following programs are eligible:

    • Natural Science (in English);
    • Social Science (in English);
    • Administration et gestion;
    • Aquaculture;
    • Archives médicales;
    • Arts, lettres et communication;
    • Éducation spécialisée;
    • Génie électrique;
    • Informatique;
    • Intervention en criminologie;
    • Maintenance industrielle;
    • Mécanique marine2;
    • Pêche professionnelle;
    • Sciences de la nature;
    • Sciences humaines
    • Soins infirmiers;
    • Technologie forestière;
    • Travail social.


    1. Students from programs not listed can benefit from a Parcours bursarie by random draw of $3,750  (see information below).

    2. In the case of the DEP Mécanique marine, lasting three sessions spread over one year, the Parcours scholarship totals $7,500.

    Scholarship Payments

    An amount of $3,750 will be paid in two parts:

    • for the fall semester, a first installment of $1,250 will be made in September and the second installment of $2,500 in October.
    • for the winter semester, a first installment of $1,250 will be made in February and a second installment of $2,500 in March.


    Everything will be repeated, each year, during the two or three years of study, depending on the regular length of the program.

    Student Mobility - One Semester

    Students coming from partner CEGEPs and participating in a mobility semester according to the agreements in effect will receive $3,750 for their mobility semester, according to the same payment terms as those stated above. It is necessary for the student to be full-time to obtain the scholarship during a mobility session.

    Parcours bursaries by random draw 

    Each session, a random draw for five bursaries of $3,750 will be held among students in the following programs which meet the same eligibility criteria for those for the Parcours bursaries: 

    • Adventure Tourism (in English); 
    • Tourisme d’aventure; 
    • Techniques juridiques;
    • Techniques policières.

    Each student can win the $3,750 bursary once by draw during the duration of their program.


The amount paid within this program is considered as income. You will then have to print the document which will be deposited in your Omnivox file by February 28 and attach it to your tax return.

For more information about Parcours bursaries

If you have questions about program-specific scholarships, please contact us by phone at 418-368-2201 ext. 1381 or by email at

Scholarships available from the Fondation du Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles 

The Foundation awards a wide variety of scholarships annually, including: 

  • 35 perseverance scholarships of $100 or $250 available during the Journées de la persévérance scolaire event 
  • Six Serge-Rondeau Improvement of academic performance scholarships of $500 
  • Eight Cornelius-Brotherton Self-improvement scholarships of $500 
  • 15 immersion scholarships of $500 
  • Five welcome scholarships of $500 specifically intended for young people between 16 and 25 years old who enroll in a DEP program at the École des pêches et de l’aquaculture du Québec (ÉPAQ) 

To find out more, visit the Foundation’s website. 

Other Scholarships  

Several other scholarship programs exist for CEGEP students. Scholarships recognizing excellence, perseverance and involvement are also awarded to students of the Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles. 

To find out more, visit the Student Zone: More details 

Financial Assistance

Government of Quebec’s Loans and Bursaries Program  

The Government of Quebec’s Loans and Bursaries program allows Quebec students with insufficient financial resources to pursue full-time vocational training, or college or university studies.   

Interested in applying for student financial assistance?  

To find out more, visit the Student Zone: More details 

Need Help?  

The Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles has a student financial aid office to serve its student clientele on all its campuses. 

To find out more, visit the Student Zone: More details 

If You Have Any Questions or Would Like to Make an Appointment:

Student Financial Assistance Office invites you to follow its two communities available on Omnivox: