Bibliothèque du campus de Gaspé

Printed journals and electronic access to journals

To discover the printed collection of journals in the Gaspé campus library, you need to search the title of the journal and see if the year, volume and numbers is available in our library catalog. 

In our library catalog Koha, you won’t be able to find directly the summary, table of contents and index because you can only find the title of the journal and the year, volume and number information.

Flipping through all the numbers available to make sure if there is an article on your research subject can take a long time.

The solution? Consult the index of titles available in our electronic databases so you can search the subjects directly in the database if the journal is available:

Repère (french only) : french journals and also, find some professional associations journals.

Érudit : scholarly journals, doctorate and master thesis, research reports and congress proceedings. : cultural journals, but mostly newspapers (press releases). 

Here is a tutorial  to help you understand better how to search and find journal articles in our printed collection and our electronic databases! 

To go further, you can also search journal articles on the web. Here is a list of interesting websites we are recommending: 

Do you have questions?

If you have questions or you are in need of help, don’t hesitate to contact our libarian for the reference service.