Information for parents
Your child is preparing to attend the Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles. As the college environment differs in several ways from secondary school, the beginning of its journey is synonymous with important changes and various questions may emerge. To answer several of these questions, the CEGEP prepared the document Infoparents, which you can download (PDF) or print.
The mean themes of Infoparents
The document Infoparents informs you about the main differences between high school and CEGEP, by addressing in particular class attendance, the schedule and duration of classes as well as language assessment.
You will also find :
- explanations of the roles and responsibilities of students, parents and the establishment;
- information on the confidentiality of files;
- resources for stress and anxiety prevention strategies;
- a description of the various services offered to students : adapted services, psychosocial, health, guidance counseling, school organization, financial aid, socio-cultural and sports activities, welcoming international students, success respondents (repcars) and peer tutoring, help centers, libraries, student association and campus entry points to combat sexual violence.
- a brief presentation of the Fondation du Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles;
- as well as several other resources and references.
Download Infoparents
For more information on the Back to School
To obtain more information on the secondary-college transition and on the different aspects of the start of the school year (course selection, session fees, schedule, etc.) refer to the section Back to school.